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The Medical Insurance Section (MIS) and the Secretariat of the United Nations Staff Mutual Insurance Society against Sickness and Accident (UNSMIS) is responsible for the registration of members to the UNSMIS the management of membership accounts including ASHI coverage, and the processing of the reimbursement of medical claims. It also provides administrative support to the Executive Committee of UNSMIS. In addition the MIS also provides administrative support to the Health and Life Insurance Section (HLIS) at headquarters for matters pertaining to Life Insurance and the United Nations WorldWide Plan.

The Section processes in excess of 160,000 claims per annum covering over 33,000 of our colleagues, active and retired, and their respective family members worldwide. It is a truly global operation servicing UNOG and  Organizations serviced by UNOG (UNCTAD, OCHA, ECE and OHCHR) as well as UNHCR, UNDP, UNICEF, WMO, ITC, UNV, UNFCCC, UNCCD, UNSCC, UNCC and ITU. 

The work of managing an Insurance Society goes well beyond the operational aspects of claims reimbursement. Keeping abreast of developments in the medical arena, the Secretariat is also responsible for tariff agreements and direct payment agreements with medical providers, gauging the adequateness of the Society’s Benefits and where it stands vis a vis its benchmarks. Ensuring adequate communication, reviewing plan structure and benefits and implementing initiatives geared at reducing fraud and containing costs in an industry where medical inflation has outstripped wage inflation are all core to the work of the UNSMIS Secretariat.

The purpose of this website is to provide a brief summary of what UNSMIS does, the services it provides and above all an easy to navigate place where you can find information regarding the Benefits available to you as a member of UNSMIS as well as procedures, limitations, exclusions and your obligations as an insured member.