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Dependents and SPPs

The coverage of family members is optional. Members under the Temporary Plan (on short-term contract / temporary contract of less than 3 months) may not cover their family members under UNSMIS. Members under the Main Plan may cover family members as dependents or as Specially Protected Persons (SPP) as follows:


  • Dependent spouse (within the meaning of the Staff Rules) in the Main Plan
  • Non-dependent spouse as a SPP

To fully understand how your spouse may be classified under UNSMIS, please visit the dedicated page. The dependency status is always determined for the whole calendar year. Therefore, the status and the coverage type may have to be changed retroactively.


  • Unmarried children under the age of 21 years dependent on the staff member within the meaning of the Staff Rules in the Main Plan
  • Children aged 18 or over in continuing dependency on account of permanent invalidity within the meaning of the Staff Rules or the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund in the main plan
  • Unmarried children under the age of 21 not recognized as dependents by the United Nations as SPPs
  • Unmarried children over 21 and under 30 years of age in full-time attendance at a school or university or not in regular employment or not having a regular income as SPPs

Secondary dependents

  • A father, mother, brother, or sister who is a secondary dependent within the meaning of the Staff Rules as SPP–subject to the benefit limitations listed in Annex IV of the UNSMIS Internal Rules

If you are employed by an organization that uses Umoja, enrolment is done through Umoja’s Employee Self-Service (ESS) platform. For a step-by-step guide on how to select the right health insurance plan and how to enrol members of your family, please see the relevant job aid (available here).

If you are employed by UNHCR and you wish to add any eligible members of your family to your coverage, please contact UNHCR HR.

If you are employed by any other UN organization, and you wish to add any eligible members of your family to your coverage, please fill out the affiliation form (available here) and send it to your HR focal point.

Enrolment–time periods

  • Within 31 days of entry on duty (EOD)
  • ​Within 31 days of arrival of the family member at the staff member's duty station
  • ​​Within 31 days of marriage or birth​ or recognition of adoption
  • For secondary dependents, within 31 days following the date on which their secondary dependency status is recognized
  • During the UNSMIS 'annual enrolment campaign' held between 1 & 30 June of each year

Premium contributions for dependents

The premiums are payable for the full month for each month of the calendar year. Hence if an individual becomes affiliated on the 10th day of any given month for example, the premium for the month will be paid in full with no pro-rata calculation. Premium contributions for the Main Plan are a certain percentage of the salary/pension depending on the number of dependents covered, while SPPs are covered for a flat premium. For further information on premiums, please visit the dedicated page.

Disaffiliation of dependents

In case you wish to terminate the UNSMIS coverage of your dependent(s), you may do so during the 'annual enrolment campaign' or you may request their disaffiliation at any time with three months’ notice.

As a member, it is your responsibility to notify your relevant HR colleagues or UNSMIS in case your dependent is no longer eligible for coverage (i.e. divorce from your spouse, your child has gotten married or has begun regular employment). In this case, the coverage of the dependent will be terminated as of the last day of the month of the qualifying event. In the event of divorce, the Committee may examine the application of the divorced ex-spouse and continue his or her affiliation as a SPP not dependent on the member, subject to payment of the premium in advance. Insurance coverage may not be continued for more than one year, except for ex-spouses of retirees, who may remain covered for life. A divorced spouse who becomes a SPP may not have new dependents and may not continue his or her affiliation upon remarrying.

If you are employed by an organization that uses Umoja, disaffiliation is done through Umoja’s Employee Self-Service (ESS) platform. You may reach out to your HR focal point for assistance, if necessary.

In case you are a staff member of UNHCR, you may submit the opt-out request for your dependent directly within Workday, or notify the relevant HR colleagues in case of divorce or that your child is no longer eligible for coverage through raising a CASE in Workday. Your child will be disaffiliated automatically upon reaching the age of 30 as of the last day of the given month.

Surviving dependents

Surviving dependents may remain covered by UNSMIS. For details, please visit the dedicated page.